
 Greetings Cast C! 

Please read before sending me anything, thanks!

I appreciate your feedback!


OK, so before I get a barrage of email (or so I hope!), let me tell everybody a couple of things first. You're welcome to disagree with me, but please keep these in mind...

  • Annoying banner. This site is on the net for free. In order to do that, the host places that lovely add at the top (and bottom!).

  • Tables. This site is designed to barely squeeze into a 640x480 setting, so if you're up to 800x600 or higher, you're going to have blue on the sides. This site was designed for IE4.0 and up. It will have some problems for Netscape users below 4.5 (particularly the Suitcase form), but it shouldn't keep you from seeing anything, it will just look a little funny. I'll work through the bugs as I catch them (or as you tell me). FYI -- there are javascript mouseovers and other such nonsense on this site. If you have Netscape or IE 2.0 or lower (heaven help you), you won't be able to do or see a couple of things on here.

  • Address Book. I have created the book, but there have been some security concerns about posting it online. Until we figure out a way to protect this information, the address book will remain offline and be handled by Jason Miller.

  • Bells and whistles. I hardcoded this site (i.e. no FrontPage or other funky programs, so basically by hand). I do not have access to email software, bulletin board capability, etc. I cannot automatically post things to the site at this time. However, it's a cool idea and if someone knows of a cheap way to do it -- I'm dying to hear from you.

  • Graphics. I'm doing these in my free time, so as I improve the graphics will too. Now, I know that some of you out there are geniouses at drawing things (Sam and Franz immediately come to mind and I know that quite a few of you drew pictures and things for the yearbook that were lost in the shuffle). If you'll send them to me (snail mail or email) I'll be happy to post them to the site.

  • Links. Want to add a link in your language? Not a problem. I need the link name, the url (i.e. www.something.com), and a description in the language of the link. Gracias.

  • Spread the word. If you're in touch with people who don't have email yet (few and far between, I know, but still possible), please let them know about the site. Perhaps it will encourage them to join us. Hotmail is free.

  • Last but not least... I also know that there are other technical people out there, so any help is welcome. It would be nice for our cast to have a site that is relatively fresh and I can guarantee you from the beginning that I will have problems keeping up with this at times. Please help me. :)

    OK, please send me any comments or suggestions you might have. But please remember to be kind! Thanks!

    For questions or comments about this site, please contact the webmaster.

  • Copyright Cast C 93/94, 1999-2004