
 Greetings Cast C! 

God Bless America


World Trade Center 6th Month Memorial
World Trade Center 6 Month Memorial

[Flag Campaign icon]
Current estimates have those still missing around 400. Please join me in mourning the loss not only of too many American lives, but for the 80 nations who have also lost citizens in this terrible tragedy. May God Bless us all.

You have probably already seen these, but for those of you who haven't:

Pictures from the attacks
Responses from around the world
Toronto Editorial on the US
libertyunited.org -- Donations, ways to make a difference
Support Freedom (from Lycos regarding donations, etc.)

Also, note that the United States House of Representatives passed an anti-bigotry resolution condemning discrimination for Arab Americans, Muslim Americans, and Americans of South Asian descent. We are uniting as a country and refusing to allow small mindedness and racism to overrun us. It is a very encouraging sign.



Copyright Cast C 93/94, 1999-2001