Favorite memory from staging:
Unknown. I only remember running up and down those damn stairs forty million times, trying to cram all 151 of us on them, while Lynn was insulting us the whole time.
Favorite city during our tour and why:
Dublin, Ireland. It was my first real foreign city overseas and I loved it. I loved my host family that I'm still in contact with. The atmosphere of Dublin was the best place I was on the road with the cast. After leaving the cast in July I went to Helsinki and I'm still trying to get back. Helsinki is the place for me, it's just home for me in some odd way.
Since Up With People I am:
What you are doing now:
I finally quit foster care. No children afraid that I'll take them away. I now work for Big Brother Big Sister as a case manager. I match mentors up with children and do recruitment. I also freelance out to Meadow Brook Theater and the Purple Rose regional theaters in the area, as a lighting designer, electrician, and light board Op.
Copyright Cast C 93/94, 1999 - 2001